SCRUM. Retrospective. The Hare and the Tortoise

The goal of this retrospective will be to improve the attention to detail, for developers this skill is probably most important than anything else, that's why I decided to focus some of the retrospective meetings of my team in this matter. I like to start with an important quote, and for this retrospective I decided to use the famous quote of Khalil Gibran "Tortoises can tell you more about the road than hares"

After say the quote, I ask to the team about the meaning of this quote and I leave people speak about that during no more than 3 min, remember the objective o the first part of this meeting is to motivate the people to talk, if you have people in your team who doesn't talk much, take advantage of these kind of questions to ask them directly, their opinion is very important for the team.

Once we have already spoken about the quote, we'll start with the game. It's not something mandatory, but it's recommendable start your retrospective meetings with a game. For this game we are going to ask to each member of our team to tell us the tale of "Tortoise and the hare" without pronnunce the word "and", of course you can change this word by another one if you want and you can change the tale as well, but if you change it, remember to use a tale that everyone in the team know. It seems an easy game, but I sure you that everyone in your team will fail and they won't be able to tell you the tale completly without commiting a mistake.

The thought of this activity is to make our team aware of the attention to detail when we are doing a task and not being in a hurry. Generally when you start playing this game you are very focused and for a few seconds you feel well confident about what you are going to say, but at the moment when you gain confidence and accelerate… at that moment is when the mistake appears. This same thoutht can be extrapolated to any task we carry out, one of the keys to "Attention to Detail" is concentration, if we are not fully concentrated, our level of attention will drop and we will make more mistakes.
