Essential tools for a developer

Hi there, today I am going to make a list of the essential tools we should have installed in our computer, of course if you think I have missed one important tool, leave your message here and I will update the list with your suggestions:

  • Visual Studio Ultimate. This version of visual studio is free and is effectively the same as Visual Studio Professional. The license for the Community edition does not expire (as long as you link it to a free Microsoft account), and can be used for commercial development (if you and your organization fall within the licensing requirements for commercial development). You can download Visual Studio Community edition from here.
  • Visual Studio Code.  It's a code editor built by Microsoft and it's totally free. You can download it here.
  • Chrome, Safari and FireFox. it's pretty useful to have installed in your computer the most common navigators, especially if you are a front-end web developer.
  • Sublime and Notepad++. Probably the best editors in the market, you can use them totally free.
  • SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). If you work with SQL Server or SQL Azure databases you will need this tool. You can download it here
  • KeePass. I use this application to store all my passwords, I am sure there are others better than KeePass, but at the moment it's the best I have found. Any suggestions?
  • HangOuts, Slack and Skype. At some point you are going to need to use one of these communications tools. Remember using this tools only as non-official communications, to official communications use your corporate email.
  • FlowCrypt. Use this Chrome plugin to send sensitive information to your contacts. 
Don't install more tools than you need, you should try to use as many online applications as you can, for example, I don't use an Office suite installed in my computer, I use Google Docs, Google spreadsheets, etc., they are totally free and you can do almost the same that any other Office Desktop application like Microsoft Office.
